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08 August 2024

stove egg


20 February 2024

new years eve


New Years Eve 2024 - performance based on a short film by Chuck Duke

02 February 2024


made a thing for this anim collab.  my shot made it into the trailer!  which is something that my natural impulse is to pretend to not care about, but today i say fuck that. im stoked!   the project lead's reaction to my submission was highly glowing and it feels nice to be convinced that someone might like my art.  so there.

still never seen the original Road to El Dorado.  I've never watched the movie but I feel like Ive already seen that movie. Not my jam.  But collaborating with literally hundreds of animators?  Awesome.  Looking fwd to seeing the final product, it expect it will be a difficult but bizarre watch.

19 January 2024


i dont want to live in a world without lions.

the poet must not avert his eyes.  he must know the world in which he lives.

05 November 2023

time for a refresher of b.franklin autobio

 there are croakers in every country, always boding its ruin.

27 October 2023

Abbie Hoffman

Ruprecht Von Kaufmann

Mark Rothko

Laurie Anderson

Tom Green


bewteen getting up from the couch after dinner to lying down in bed, im gonna count next time.   im gonna count the number of people whose voices made their way into my brain.  itll be like 20. which is fuckin stupid.

Roger Corman 

John Waters 


Ben Franklin

James Jean 

filters.   taking control of your influences requires a discipline that was not necessary 20 years ago.

tom gibbons 

chuck duke

david o reilly

28 September 2023

Dear John Malkovich,


I hope this letter finds you in good health, although I must say I have reason to be concerned. No one can deny that you are a highly skilled and experienced professional in the performing arts with an illustrious body of work spanning decades.

Bearing all this in mind my question to you is, What in the name of FUCK was going through your idiot skull the day you decided to record the audiobook for Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions, despite the fact that your voice sounded like a dying cat? Had you been gargling sand? Are you stupid? Judging by the sound of your voice on the day of recording, I suppose it's possible you were in the late stages of respiratory failure and your brain was oxygen-deprived. Nonetheless, how does a grown adult with working ears not understand that the sounds coming from your diseased breathing hole sounded more like a death rattle than discernible english sentences? You make Tom Waits sound like Bing Crosby in this god damned thing.

Its beyond baffling how the audio engineers, your agent and anyone else present with the sense of hearing that day, listened to the bucket of rocks rattling around in your desiccated trachea and still said, "Yup, that sounds great and definitely wont transform peoples' ear buds into literal ice picks." How bout a fuckin cough drop, John? Jesus.



26 September 2023

lessons from a reunion in brisbane

  • i got some important reminders.   live with intention.  choose your path and do what it takes to go down it.  keep your mouth shut with few exceptions:

    -to lift someone up 
    - to ask questions/learn
    -to move toward your path
  • comfort is seductive and should be enjoyed sparingly.  new people are full of opportunities - to learn, to propagate joy.  your intentions dictate your experience and, more often than not, the experience of others.
  • life drawing.  drawing.  stop motion.  film. movies. painting. oils.  portraits. animations. blender.  cameras. art.
  • looking at every day life through the lens of your craft.  get busy.   
  • *things that i tricked myself into seeing as obstacles were scoffed at. rightly.   being away from this influence for so long was bad for my brain.   online messages arent enough to shake me out of my natural tendency to indulge in a habit of limiting belief.

  • my recent re-route to simplify, to narrow my scope, focus, was reinforced. 

  • you choose what goes into your skull, not the algorithm.   lo-fi youtube mixes are fuckin fired forever. intention. 
  • break down the problem youre trying to solve into solvable bits.  
  • put on the skin of the person you want to be.  see the skin there.  its lying on the floor next to your bed.  its size and shape and color and smell and hairiness level are that of the person you want to be.  get out of bed and the first thing you do is put that skin on one leg at a time and zip it up and it covers you from head to toe.

21 September 2023

I swear i watched the entirety of Adventure Time 3 years ago.  I remember absolutely none of it.  Besides "Ro-Ro-Romance" and" I'm Scoopin what yer Poopin". 

I never understood how David Bowie could black out an entire decade until now.

15 September 2023

man.   i really was in the zone when i painted this.   it was about two months in early 2020.  monkey mind was quiet and I just worked with purpose and focus.



13 September 2023

cat's cradle

foam latex puppet journey begins.    purchased monster clay from up the road.  

sculpting this head is a roller coaster of 'oh shit it looks amazing' to 'this looks very janky what am i doing'

in other words, the sweet spot.


i have distracted myself from the big project with little projects.  so far i'm alright with that.  the pangs of fear that i havent started the big project yet subsided for a while because the little projects are fun and there are several of them to distract me.  


but now the fear pangs are coming back.  big project.   do it.  ren and stimpy documentary helped being the fear back.   fear is an excellent motivator.  mainly that i will get beat to the punch by a similar enough idea.  so.  to start. (i have done this before) what is needed to start....  character models. character designs.  this is the big hurdle that i havent gotten over yet.  whittle whittle whittle.

finished cat's cradle.  see the cat? see the cradle?  i had forgotten that the book ends with the main character killing himself while thumbing his nose at god.  it's officially my favorite book ever.

03 September 2023

 cinema is the art of reality, the medium in which reality’s beauty is captured, where you can film marble or a face, or record someone’s voice, a sunset, the innate beauty of what you’re contemplating. Tarkovsky achieved this.

20 July 2023

 the ways in which a story germ uses the soil of experience are extremely complex

21 June 2023

15 June 2023


 Time is elastic.   Passion expands it, inspiration contracts it, and habit fills up the rest. 

Taking a meeting with yourself should be taken as or more seriously than meetings with others.

We live not alone, but chained to a creature of a different kingdom, worlds apart, who has no knowledge of us and by whom it is impossible t make ourselves understood:  our body. 


 (i'm getting pretty distracted by how wealthy the narrator is in swann's way.  the whole thing is that he's  relishing and appreciating every little detail of his life and taking time to notice and observe all the 'little' things.  but the little things are weekends at the country house and picnics catered by servants and social gatherings with all of Combrays' most high falootin' influential people.   like.   hopefully anyone in your tremendously privileged position would appreciate all the immense luxuries of daily life.  long book.)  

19 May 2023


06 April 2023


i wrote this and i think its pretty great


Hello all you Lionhearts and welcome to the Method One-On-One Table Tennis Tournament a.k.a.  MOOOTTT.

No Retreat, No Surrender.  We will find out who is the Best of the Best in this Bloodsport.  

There will be no Double Team this time, games will be 1v1 .  

Each game is played to 21.  
5 serves per side.  Must win by 2.  1 serve per side during DEUCE. 
Let me know if you have any questions about the rules.

Double Impact,  double elimination! 
You must lose twice to be eliminated. has been used for seeding to ensure randomness, there's Nowhere to Run.
A 14 team bracket requires that some of you Kickboxers play fewer games.  Luckily we have even numbers or it would be even clunkier.

The winner of each game moves on to the next round until they are defeated. 
Upon defeation, the loser goes to the losers bracket. 
The losers bracket is Sudden Death and if you lose, that's your Death Warrant.
Better luck next time.

Winner of winners bracket will be crowned Universal Soldier and guardian of the MOOOTTT Championship Trophy until the next challenge.  

Street Fighter.

Games will take place during lunch and friday beers.  For efficiency I must be a Timecop and insist you please arrive promptly for your given game time.

I will inform you of your upcoming game time and which Hard Target you will be facing that day via rocket chat each morning.  

The bracket will be posted friday morning for you to study.

Put up your Dux!